Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Classy Christmas Wishes!

Posted by the Section 117 Classy Gentlemen

A very Merry Christmas to all our families, friends and fellow Gophers. We hope you enjoy our special Recession Proof Christmas card, with Santa Jerry, Abominable Goldy, Constable Butler the Snowman and all Santa Jerry's elves and reindeers, working hard to bring Gopher Nation a sometimes-interesting and hopefully-entertaining look at our favorite football team. It's been great to create content about our favorite squad, and we appreciate all our friends, families, the Gopher Hole community and other Minnesota fans who have stopped by and given any of our posts a read.

We have one final Christmas gift from the Classy Gentleman below. Enjoy! And a big Merry Christmas and Ski-U-Mah from our family to yours!

'Twas the Night Before Gopher Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through "The Bank"
Visitor lockers last used by the Badgers sure stank.
The Gophers have traveled to Houston with care,
In hopes that win number nine would be theirs.
Section 117, the third and fourth rows,
Were finally quiet and covered in snow.
The Classy Gentlemen stored their attire with care,
So their top hats and bow ties are ready next year.

The players were nestled all snug in their rooms,
For a Texas Bowl matchup with Syracuse looms.
Coach Kill and his staff watched film and made plans,
To earn that ninth win for all Gopher fans.

Limegrover drew up a book of new plays,
And the defensive plans were made by Coach Claeys.
The depth chart was finished for the bowl game,
And Kill called his talented players by name,

On Phillip, on Cobb, on Maxx and Ra'Shede!
On Donovahn, Damien, Aaron and Vereen!
On Murray, On Hawthorne, Epping and Mortell!
Let's get prepared to give Syracuse hell!

Back to Reliant, where we will cut loose!
And squeeze the Orangemen into fresh juice!
A win would give Gopher fans much Christmas cheer,
And fittingly end our remarkable year!

Four nonconference wins all came in a rout,
Then a pair of B1G losses created some doubt.
A needed week off and a break for Coach Kill,
Revealed our heart, our toughness and will.

Then at Northwestern we started a streak,
That featured a win in four-straight weeks.
Nebraska was beat by a great game plan,
And the field was stormed by all of the fans.

Philip and Maxx and Hill saved the day,
To beat Indiana in a game of huge plays.
Another win followed, and it was swell,
Beating Penn State and breaking The Bell.

Though losses to Bucky and Sparty did follow,
Our performances surely did not feel hollow.
The improvement is real, and we've got a chance,
To win even more and cause Jerry to dance.

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through The Bank,
Section 117 was still filled with great thanks.
Two-thousand thirteen has been quite a year,
Filled with Gopher pride and many a cheer.

Instead of a sleigh and some flying reindeer,
The Gentlemen hopped in a limo with beer.
And throughout Gopher Nation they shouted with glee,
"Merry Christmas to all, and Hats off to Thee!"


1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable work Higgy, the card and night before christmas poem are fantastic!
